Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day Review

Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day
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Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day ReviewBefore reading the book, I had thought it would explain how you can maintain a strong presence for your business in only 60 minutes a day, but that's not quite what it's about. It is actually a sixteen-week program, taking you from planning to implementation and evaluating your results. Every day has an assigned task which should take approximately one hour to complete, making it ideal for readers who prefer a practical, structured approach to learning.
The "course outline" is as follows:
Month 1: Create the Plan and Get Started
Month 2: Establish Corporate Presence with Pages and Groups
Month 3: Create Demand with Facebook Ads
Month 4: Advanced Tactics and Campaign Integration
There is a wealth of valuable information in this volume, much of which is not limited to Facebook but is relevant to any form of social media marketing. It's next to impossible to talk about any component of social media in isolation, because they all work together so closely.
Facebook changes so often that no one can know for sure what the future will hold, so the Appendix containing the opinions of six industry experts on "The Future of Facebook" was particularly fascinating. It is clear that social media in general, and Facebook in particular, are going to continue to play a major role in people's lives, so it's going to become increasingly important for businesses to get involved if they don't want to get left behind.
Whether or not you choose to follow the daily steps, this book is an excellent guide for anyone wanting a better understanding of how Facebook works and how they can leverage it to promote their business.
Facebook Marketing: An Hour a Day Overview

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